Wednesday, December 28, 2016

53 Days


That's the number of players NFL teams are allowed to have on their active roster. 

It is also a pivotal chapter in the book of Isaiah. 

And most relevant to this post, it is the number of Sundays for 2017. 

In the providence of God, we not only have 53 Sundays this year, but both the 1st and the last day of 2017 are on a Sunday. This hasn't happened since 2006 and won't happen again until 2023. 

What might you do with 53 Sundays? 

How will you begin and end 2017?

I consider it a special grace that the Lord has given us for this coming year to begin it gathering with His people in corporate worship. I wonder if you will take this opportunity to be intentional with the blessing God has given us. 

You could commit right now at the end of 2016, to take full advantage of each Sunday God graces you with in 2017. All 53 of them. That you will use each of these gifts to not forsake the assembling of God's people but rather to encourage other Believers and worship the Lord of heaven and earth at your local church. Every. Single. Sunday. 

It's possible in God's providence that you will be sick or out of town some time in 2017. It's even possible that the Lord will come back or that we might not get to see all 53 Sundays of 2017. But God's prerogatives aside, will you resolve to make it your prerogative to be wholly committed to the local church this coming year? 

Christ loves His church. He died for His church. And He is using His church to further His glory among the nations. Isn't the local church the place our Christian hearts long to be in tangible fellowship with? 

What an opportunity we have this Sunday to begin on the proverbial right foot!

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